About us

We are a community literature discussion and appreciation group

Welwyn Garden City Literature Society brings together people from across Hertfordshire who are passionate about quality writing, whether it’s modern fiction, classic novels, poetry, memoir or plays.

Welwyn Garden City Literary Society meets on alternate Mondays from 19:30 till 21:00 between September and June in Welwyn Garden City.

Our members from all walks of life and come together to share our interest in books, poems, short-stories and theatre. Some of our members are so keen that they are also members of other book clubs and groups.

We are are passionate about thought-provoking writing, whether it’s modern fiction, classic novels, poetry, memoir or plays.

Some of our members before Covid restrictions were needed, in 2019

The type of books we generally focus on are modern fiction of the type you’ll commonly see nominated for prizes like the Pulitzer or Booker, though our members often read more widely than this and have varied interests.

At each session, a member gives a short introduction to the book, lasting about thirty minutes, delving into the plot, structure, history or impact of the book and this forms the basis for the member discussion that follows it. This makes us a bit more formal than most book groups, though we’re still a friendly and non-academic bunch.

Our membership comes from across Hertfordshire and generally numbers around twenty to thirty. They are responsible not just for suggesting titles and topics for each year’s programme but for presenting most of our introductions.

On occasion we do have visiting presenters and have had a relationship with the local Barn Theatre for a number of years. We usually have one session per season when we link up with a production at The Barn and have a visit from someone connected with that production.

Though most of our evenings are presented by members, there is no obligation to present or to contribute. If a member wants to just come along and listen, that’s fine. Equally, don’t worry if you can’t read every book – come to as many or as few sessions as you want and feel free to come along even if you haven’t read the book. Sometimes the introduction provides the inspiration for members to go away and read or reread the book.

From the suggestions our members put forward, the committee puts together the programme over the summer break and publishes it in August to give people a chance to start reading.

We meet in St Bonaventure’s Parish Hall (Next to the Church) on Parkway, Welwyn Garden City.

If you want to come to a session, just contact us and come along to a session as a guest. If you decide to keep coming and become a member, the cost is just £10 a year.

About us

A group of about 30 people passionate about books and reading.

Our current Chair is Sarah Evans

Guests welcome

St Bonaventure’s Parish Hall
81 Parkway, Welwyn Garden City AL8 6JF

Alternate Monday evenings at 7.30 p.m.

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